How Much Damage Are We Causing Our Planet?

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*The statistics included in this blog are paraphrased and taken from Patagonia’s “Let My People Go Surfing” book written by: Yvon Chouinard

Like Michael Jackson’s song goes “we are the world, we are the children” so it is our responsibility to make a change and help the environment. Keep reading for some shocking statistics about our planet. 

Earth is silently crying for help, and instead of ignoring it, people should take the initiative to raise its volume. This is the planet that gifted us life and in return we selfishly keep taking advantage of Earth’s resources. Taking our well being for the next few years into consideration, it is best to try and reverse our damage rather than make it worse. We can’t procrastinate when it comes to healing our home because... what if we wait too long and it suddenly becomes impossible to fix our mistakes and causes very negative changes? 

damaged planet earth

Sadly, Earth is facing environmental challenges as you read this, and 38% of people either have no opinion or have not even heard about global warming. Some of those challenges include carbon dioxide emissions and apparently in the year 2013, they were 61% higher than they were only three decades ago. Everyone should be aware of environmental issues because we are reaching 4 degrees of warmth, which is very harmful to our future. It has the possibility of raising global sea levels which would drown islands, coastal areas and major cities. 

For the sake of our children and our children’s children and so on, let’s take better care of Earth even if we start small. 


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